• Ancient Digger teaches Archaeology and History to all Ages!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About Me

Anyone can appreciate and learn about history and archaeology when it’s taught in a way that appeals to all generations. Whether you’re a stay at home mom, academic, archaeologist or anthropologist, historian, professor, or student, Ancient Digger is striving to teach all of you about world heritage.

Ancient Digger is an avenue for me to share my experiences when I way studying archaeology and anthropology.  Many of you have personally contacted me about becoming an anthropologist or archaeologist, and some of you, I won't name names, have called me an inspiration. For that I am truly humbled. It's important to teach others what you've learned along the way, and that's essentially why I started Ancient Digger.

Ancient Digger is deeply involved and committed to Archaeology and Preservation, Ancient Languages, Second Language Acquisition, Discourse, and Teaching. My passion is helping others with their research, as well as guiding high school students prior to them applying to schools. For the past four years, I have working with international students in the private sector. Many of those students have moved on to some of the top universities in the world and are thriving there.

Although I teach archaeology to all of you online, during the day I help students from China, Japan, Korea, Turkey, Mexico, Israel, and Iran learn a second language, English.

If you have an interest in working with me as your college consultant or for counseling purposes, please let me know. I offer an hourly fee which can be paid through Paypal via the pay now button. Please contact me for more information, and schedule availability. Payment must be made upfront for services.

Depending on your location, please inform me of the type of technology you prefer to use for your counseling sessions.

Counseling Options

If you have any questions about articles or would like to quote material, I'd be happy to assist.

Enjoy Ancient Digger and thanks for stopping by!


plainolebob said...

there are many interesting blogs that i have seen and read, since starting this crazy blogging journey a month ago. this has been a delightful stop. when i was a boy, my father was in the air force and stationed in tripoli libya, we had the pleasure of seeing some sites that very few have seen. if you ever get the chance check out the sites there,especially, and not sure of the spelling now, but will sound it out, leptis magna and sabratha. what a pleasure to find your blog. thanks

Anonymous said...


I have a little question about a picture on your site, just on the top of the page where "The Ancient Gigger" is written there is a background picture. It looks like a temple I think, with huge ports. I wonder a lot what that place is called? Is it a temple, located where then?
You have made a great site, keep up the good work;)
Thank you!

Cruiselife & Co said...


The structure is actually PETRA in Jordan. It's located near the Fertile Crescent.Amazing place, is it not?

Wissy said...

Really interesting blog-i'm so pleased i found it! Well done for following your dream and good luck with future diggings! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting spot. Glad I stumbled on. Looking forward to doing a lot of reading here. Even found Isle of Arran article where I am supposed to have roots.

Perrcipiente said...

Thank you. Indeed, Petra looks incredible. It is my dream to visit the place one day.
Take care:)

Unknown said...

Great blog, Lauren! Success with your Ph.D. and with the archeology. Let me know if you are interested in the Byzantine (East Roman) Empire - I might be able to find yo great digs there.

Cruiselife & Co said...


That would be amazing. I was looking for digs to go on this summer, however I was running into a snag with funds. It was a bit more expensive than anticipated.

Anonymous said...

Today I see a TV program about an exceptional prehistoric art in scandinavia. They speak about "Xivic", "Fin island", "Godland" but I'm not shure of the localization and the pronunciation.
I think that you have a prehistorical paint with red mans and food prints etc from this places

can you help me to localize it?
Thak you and sorry for my english!

Cruiselife & Co said...

To the last commentator, are you referring to petroglyphs? What tv program was this on?

Caroline said...

I have to say this is a very classy site. Just found it and subscribed straight up before I had even finished the page!
I'm completely new to blogging so am quite smug that I found you so early on.

With love Caroline x

Cruiselife & Co said...


Welcome to the Ancient Digger, we are so happy to have you. This blog is really a work in progress really, but I am so glad you like you like it.

Cat said...

I love your blog (and your dogs!) I'm also a grad student - but in history. I love the little bit of archaeology I've done on that path. You guys have the most fun for sure! Check out my blog if you get a chance! www.dazzlingdinnerdialogue.blogspot.com

Cruiselife & Co said...

Thanks Cat. I was thinking of double majoring in history. What part of history are you interested in?

By the way, I'm checking out your blog right now. Here I go---------->

Selina said...

You're such a hard worker Laura when you had time to make such wonderful blog in your spare time. Love your posts and looking forward to read more trough subscription :)

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I hacve ever seen. Well done. Its good to see how far its come in the last year or so. It is an inspiration to us all!

Cruiselife & Co said...


Thanks so much for the kind words, I appreciate that. I really have no time to rest, in fact, had to take two days away from blogging to get my sanity back. It gets hard sometimes.

Cruiselife & Co said...


Thanks for the compliment. It looks like you're just getting started in the blogging world, so good luck on your endeavors.

Selina said...

You're welcome Laura and keep up the good work girl :)

Carl said...

Hi Laura,
I have not been online too much over the last couple of months..Its nice to be posting again and reading. I can always count on you for an interesting read! :)
In addition, I feel you are makig a contrubution to bloggng in general..I know that your interests have influenced some of my posts. In the spirit of this I would like to include you in the contributors site on Wordpress:
you can access it at http://carlsvilleproject.wordpress.com/
Tell my how you like it :)
Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren,
Wonderful blog.
More than the blog, it is you...
You have a great courage to shift to entirely different field from restaurant business to archeology.
Keep it up

Cruiselife & Co said...

@BCR (Anonymous)

You are too kind. It was truly very hard to shift from restaurants and go back to school at my age. Of course, I'm only 32, so I still have some time to kill. I just thought it was time to explore another aspect of my life that I enjoyed. AD provides me with an outlet to share my knowledge of history, and hopefully, teach all of you something in return.

Cruiselife & Co said...


You're a gem, truly. I checked out the site and my contribution and I can't thank you enough. I'm glad I have the ability to inspire.

Just a couple months ago, a reader told me I was the inspiration for her going to school for archaeology in Scotland. I almost started to cry because that is my goal. I always try to give back to those that really appreciate it.

Deborah said...

Great job on the blog! I'm somewhat of a kindred spirit, having practiced architecture for nearly 25 years, yet NEVER being satisfied with that career choice. The downturn of the economy cost me a full time job, but afforded me the opportunity to pursue my dream: a career as a professional archaeologist! (CRM) I am in the second year of the Anthropology Master's Degree program, and am toying with the idea of pursuing a PhD. My thesis fieldwork will be on Andros Island, Bahamas at a "virgin" historic site. I've never been happier (or this broke.) Good luck in your studies and thanks for creating this fabulous site!

Cruiselife & Co said...


Nice to meet you and what a lovely comment. Like you, the economy forced me out of restaurants. I owned two, several years ago, and lost them along with my home and vehicles. I had to start from scratch. I initially thought the medical field, because I didn't want to experience the loss again. I quickly figured out that I had to do something I was passionate about. History, archaeology, and computers seemed to be a great fit. I'm now considering a Masters in IT or engineering--on top of archaeology. Just saying that makes me nervous *smile*.

I am so impressed with you, let me just say. I love architecture. In fact, that's one of my favorite areas in archaeology. The rock cut structures in particular. One of my professors works in the Bahamas--in his words "indigenous peoples of the Bahama archipelago—the people who were the first to encounter Columbus—and their ancestors"

Good Luck to you and you sound like you're in the right field.

adi said...

hii..i am doing mbbs..ill be getting my graduation degree in the year 2015.i have interest in archaeology and would like to do some course in it after my mbbs.please give some information regarding this. as to how to get graduation in this field and what is the procedure for entering the graduation colleges or schools!

Cruiselife & Co said...


Number one, what country do you reside in? Have you checked out the colleges that offer a degree in archaeology?

Anonymous said...

i like this site...i collect very rare ancient antiques and like history..

Anonymous said...

very nice blog Lauren, I really liked the content. I am planning to take anthropology as my career and your site will help me a lot in my research.

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